Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cuisine Test Drive, successful!

THE TEAM: Bruce, Vince, Rebekah, Lindsay, Ryan, Dug

ain't no rice and beans on this trip

Last Thursday night we had our team night out at Bombay Cuisine in East GR, cool place if you get a chance to go there. We ordered a whole array of appetizers, entrees and unknowns. Despite the looks and textures of some, it was all incredible. Linds and I had a hilarious time making up ridiculous jokes about "nan" the staple bread. Such as "nansense" or eat until there is "nan" more.Lindsay and her Nan- loved it!

The countdown is on and there are 21 days (3 weeks alone!) to go before we board that first flight. I am increasingly more and more confident of God's timing for me to be on this trip during the first few weeks of a new year. Part if it could be my personality and desire to set goals and have a fresh start to a year and the other part is just plain that it is a time desperately needed to view my life "bird's eye" if you will. enjoy the pics and more to come.

1 comment:

e.varg said...

what chu eatin?
NAN of yo business!
ok sorry couldnt help myself
exam cram crazy
cool photographys
makes me hungry